Coronavirus: Côte d’Ivoire will release 300 billion CFA to support its agricultural sector

Faced with the global pandemic of Covid-19 and the looming economic crisis, the Ivorian Prime Minister, Amadou Gon Coulibaly, announced the implementation of a plan to support the economy of 650 billion CFA francs (1.07 billion dollars) to preserve « the production tool and employment », including 300 billion CFA francs (494 million dollars) specifically earmarked for agricultural sectors. In detail, out of this envelope dedicated to the Ivorian primary sector, support will focus on « the main sectors of the national economy, including cashew nuts, cotton, rubber, oil palm and cocoa, coffee, for an amount of CFAF 250 billion. Finally, « support is also announced for food, vegetable and fruit production, for an amount of CFAF 50 billion, including CFAF 20 billion for inputs ».