DRC: Albert Yuma Mulimbi confirmed as head of Gécamines

Albert Yuma Mulimbi has been Chairman of the Board of Directors of Générale des carrières et des mines (Gécamines) since 2010 and has been reappointed by President Félix Tshisekedi.

nationale congolaise. An announcement that seems to have surprised many observers, many bearing in mind the recent snubbing of the President of the Federation of Congolese Enterprises: proposed for the post of Prime Minister by Joseph Kabila, Albert Yuma Mulimbi’s candidacy had been rejected by the Head of State.

But beyond political contingencies, some believe that this renewal reflects the relative satisfaction of the new government with the actions already initiated. In fact, in the wake of the implementation of the new Congolese mining code, launched in 2018 and more restrictive towards operators in the sector, Albert Yuma has gradually raised his voice against his foreign partners, in order to force them to invest more financially. A tactic that, for the time being, seems to be paying off. In 2018, two first cases were settled with Katanga Mining - a subsidiary of the Swiss company Glencore - and Boss Mining - a subsidiary of the Kazakh ERG -, the two companies being required to pay $150 million and $30 million respectively in key money. While waiting for other potential targets. The general management of Gécamines has been entrusted to Sama Lukonde Kyenge, former Minister of Sports. 

Gécamines production unit
Photo credit: Gécamines

Heir to the Mining Union of Haut-Katanga, Gécamines is wholly owned by the Congolese State and concentrates its activities on prospecting, research and the exploitation of mining reserves. The company is historically based in Lubumbashi, Haut-Katanga province, and is the main contributor to the Congolese state budget.