The Banque Nationale de Développement Agricole du Mali publishes solid 2019 results

As the leading financial partner of the rural world in Mali, the National Agricultural Development Bank of Mali (BNDA) achieved a pre-tax profit of CFAF 12.3 billion (18 million euros) and a net profit of nearly CFAF 10 billion (15 million euros) in 2019, a figure up 11% on the previous year, announced the institution’s management this week, which also noted that this good performance was achieved « despite a difficult context marked by the scarcity and increasing cost of financial resources and the security crisis accentuating the insolvency of clients ». As for the financing granted to the national agricultural sector, BNDA indicates that it has injected 267 billion CFA francs in 2019, including 80 billion CFA francs specifically dedicated to the financing of equipment and housing for individuals.